This joint event which took place on Wednesday, April 17, was organised by SHLC and SUEUAA and explored creative research methods. Creative methods are those that go beyond the traditional methods of focus groups, surveys, and interviews. These are methods that either utilise the natural environment or involve arts-based activities (such as music, photography, visual or performance arts) in order to address the research questions posed.

Watch the recording below and read or download the presentation featured at the end of this Blog post for more details.



This 2 hour online seminar, delivered by Dr Joanne Neary (SUEUAA) and Dr Carli Rowell (SHLC), will provide a brief introduction to the theory and practice of participatory qualitative methods.

Using participatory methods in qualitative fieldwork is becoming increasingly popular, and are viewed as more inclusive than traditional qualitative methods (such as focus groups, interviews, and surveys). By using creative or arts-based approaches, it enables the research participant to take a more active role in the production of research data. Using a combination of lecture-based and participatory learning, this online seminar will cover key theories in participatory qualitative methods, explore ethical/political issues underpinning the approach, and will critically discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the application and analysis of these methods.

The online seminar will cover the following methodologies: walking interviews, participatory photography and resident-drawn maps. The workshop requires no prior knowledge of participatory qualitative methods, although some knowledge of general qualitative research would be advantageous.

This event is organised by SHLC and SUEUAA and funded by UKRI and the British Academy as part of the U.K. Government’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).

Registrations: 88; Attendees: 44; Page views and download of presentation following event (SHLC site): 67

